Ashley Larson, MS Research Technician (Fall 2022) Background: CSU BSc (Zool. & Biol.), CSU MS (Zoology) Interests: Conservation, adaptation, & physiology Hobbies: Anything outdoors! Favorite Lab Item: APX100 fluorescent scope |
Meg Hemmerlein PhD Student (CMB, Fall 2022) Background: Wheaton College, BA (Biochem.) Interests: Functional genomics & cell biology Hobbies: Skiing, mountain biking, dogs, and snacks Favorite Lab Item: Mini-trash cans! |
Makenna Juergens PhD Student (Biology, Fall 2023) Background: Ohio Wesleyan Univ., BA (Zoology), with Chemistry & Psych. minors Interests: Animal behavior & endocrinology Hobbies: Reading, falling down internet rabbit holes, & house plants Favorite Lab Item: Respirometry system |
Science is inherently colalborative! We work closely with a number of labs in the Front Range and beyond.
Our lab works particularly closely with the Williams Lab, including running joint lab meetings and lab events (see below)!
If you are interested in collaborating, we would love to hear from you.
Our lab works particularly closely with the Williams Lab, including running joint lab meetings and lab events (see below)!
If you are interested in collaborating, we would love to hear from you.
Lab Alumni
Anna Bautista - Lab Manager - 2022 - 2024
Current Position: PhD Student, Emory University
Current Position: PhD Student, Emory University

Holiday Party 2023. L to R,
Front: Chloe Butler, Kylie Jewett, Kendall Foreman, Zephyr, Cory Williams.
Middle: Shady Kuster, Sarah Kerr, Makenna Juergens, Lizzie Osterhoudt, Meg Hemmerlein.
Back: Kate Wilsterman, Kiska, Austin Allison, Cole Deal, Hannah Butkus, Ashley Larson, Anna Bautista, Ellery Myers